Paddington: The Man Behind the Bear. BBC 2

Hero Johnson’s portrait of Michael Bond features in BBC2’s documentary about Michael Bond ‘Paddington: The Man Behind the Bear’.
First shown on Boxing Day 2019 it had a repeat showing on Christmas Eve 2020 and will be available on BBC2 Iplayer for a further month.
Hero Johnson's portrait of Michael Bond in BBC2's 'Paddington: The Man Behind the Bear'
Hero Johnson credit, 'Paddington: The Man Behind the Bear'
Paddington: The Man Behind the Bear
Hero Johnson's portrait of Michael Bond in BBC2's 'Paddington: The Man Behind the Bear'
Hero Johnson's portrait of MIchael Bond in The MIrror Newspaper
MIchael Bond's family and Paddington Bear infront of Hero Johnson's portrait of Michael

Michael Bond CBE

In loving memory of Michael Bond.

January 1926 – June 2017.

I loved Michael’s books as a child and it was a privilege to know and paint this wonderful man as an adult.


Michael Bond, creator of Paddinton Bear, painted by Hero Johnson

Hilary Delamere, Hero Johnson, Michael Bond, Sue Bond and Karen Jankel.

‘The Art of Reading’ Waterstones Gower St London.

November 2016.

Hilary Delamere, Hero Johnson, Michael Bond, Sue Bond and Karen Jankel

The Royal Society of Portrait Painters Private View 2017

Some photographs from the Royal Society of Portrait Painters Exhibition Private View, 3rd May 2017.

Taken by Alex Cotterill, Liberty Rowley, Daniel Shadbolt, Guy Bell and Katherine Tyrrell.

Exhibited portraits are of Michael Bond CBE and Paulina Pluta.


Hero Johnson with her portrait of Paddington Bear author Michael Bond
Hero Johnson at the Mall Galleries Royal Society of Portrait Painters press call
Hero Johnson with her painting of Paulina at the Royal Socieity of Portrait Painters
Hero Johnson with her painting of Michael Bond. Image copyright Guy Bell
Hero Johnson with her painting of Paulina. Photo by Katherine Tyrrell